Day2: Daiva Krupayil
(By Grace Alone)
Have you ever experienced a cyclone? It’s merciless! It comes with an unstoppable vengeance, destroying everything in its path. Forget running and escaping. You can’t outrun it even if you’re an Olympic Champion. All one can do is – HIDE! No, not in the nearest car or building. You gotta go down and under – Hide beneath the earth! Hide till it’s passed. Just – HIDE!
Years ago, the writer of this song came face to face with one. Not a cyclone you could see – one that you could only experience. Yeah, the worst kind. He stood motionless outside the I.C.U, watching life slowly drain from his son. One can’t imagine the emotional storm unless you’ve been in those shoes yourself… but it was right in the middle of that storm that night this song was birthed! Exactly when he went down and under - hiding beneath the wings of God, waiting for the cyclone to pass.
Just as the first line of the song translates – “I found refuge in the grace of God” – the very understanding of ‘GRACE’ went from something of a kind-niceness as popularly imagined to something blazingly protective and powerful! A kinda blazing grace that outweighed the storm! That’s not just the story… there’s more! The stormy night gave way to a burst of glorious sunshine - When he least expected it, they told him that his son had been miraculously healed and was free to go home! [Wait! What?] Yep! That’s how the chorus of this song came to be – “My trust is in the grace that has been poured out for me and I will walk in His footsteps and let Him lead me”.
This song is evidence of what Grace does to a man!
Dealing with something that’s beyond our control and sanity levels – when nothing works, and no one can help - we realize what we actually are! We are so utterly small, yet so darling-ly precious to God, that at our first faint call for help, this tsunami of a grace would come pouring in! When something unexplainable yet so real has got your back, there is a thrilling joy within that we aren’t alone – in anything we face! Be it depression or pain, sickness or loss.
That explains why the psalmists in the Bible had a ‘sold-out-for-God’ attitude similar to what the songwriter had as he penned this song. Almost like a little kid who just witnessed one of the avengers in action – and now all he wants is to fly with them! A deepening realization that everything, everyone, can fail and pass away – but the giver of Grace stands by you no matter what. JESUS. If you have never met Jesus, consider this to be your invitation and encounter this amazing grace!
Jesus, I admit that I have often tried to take control over the storms in my life. I have failed and I now realize that I need a savior who can help me calm the storm in me. Please forgive my sins as I willingly give my life into your hands. I believe you died on the cross so I could live and experience the gift of salvation and eternal life. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Ephesians 2:8-10
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”
2 Corinthians 12:9
“And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.”